Hi Friends,
After a few months of playing around with this blog site thing, I am happy to have you visit my blog. I so enjoy reading blogs and hope that this will be a way for me to keep in closer contact with all my friends and realatives that I don't see on a regular basis. I also hope to be able to showcase some of my crafty projects that I've been working on.
In case you didn't know, I joined Close to my Heart a scrapbooking and stamping company last September. I love, love, love their papers and products, and am having a great time "playing" with everything. I am mostly doing this as a way to use up all the products I have as well as have new and upcoming products available. I do not have a live website with the company (it is kind of pricey), so currently I am doing crops and workshops locally and am doing long distance business through my personal e-mail. I'm hoping I will be able to also have anyone that is interested order through this blog. Details about this will be forthcoming. If you would like a catalog, just send me a comment, or contact me through my home e-mail at tododd@cox.net. You can also look at the current CTMH products online at http://www.closetomyheart.com/. If you see something you can't live without, write me and I'll get it ordered for you. (they can deliver it right to your house too!)
School is almost out here and we will be trying to settle into everyday summer life. Bryan and I still are working opposite days so we are hoping to get by with very little day care this summer....wish us luck.
Alcohol Ink workshop
5 years ago