Sorry for the almost month delay, but it has taken me this long to get back in the swing of things.
We had a great time on vacation....
The kid's trip from Tulsa to Iowa was highlighted by riding on this....
Then we headed on down to Galveston to get on the ship the Carnival "Ecstacy" to celbrate Bill's 70th birthday. Here is a pic the three of them, Bill, Robyne and Bryan had taken on formal night....
We had a great time and really enjoyed spending time with Bryan's family. We went on two excursions while in our ports of Progresso and Cozumel. Here are some pictures of the ruins in Dzibuzal. It was hot, but the trip was fascinating.
In Cozumel we went into town to do some geo-caching and shopping and then rushed back to change and go to snorkel with the stingrays. Here are some of our pics from that....
Because we got back 3 hours later than anticipated to Galveston, we took Robyne, Bob, Bill and two others back to the Houston Airport to catch their flights back home and then we headed back to Marion.
The kids had been having all sorts of fun with Quentin and Dylan who are the grandchildren of Jane, Mom and Dad's neighbor. They also had spent some time with Nick and Brian, my cousin Mary's kids. Leah was especially excited to get a number of hand-me-downs from Madeline....she called to tell me she had done all of her back to school clothes shopping in a whopping 3 minutes!
We enjoyed a few more days in Marion and several evenings with Joe, John and Norma. We also got to have a fun evening with Uncle Frank, Aunt Pauline, Mary, Lee, Nick, Brian and Ted. The kids all played Blongo Ball and fished in the pond. So much fun!!!
I'm going to post now, but Bryan still has to download some more pics for me and then I will update with pictures to my blog. Please be patient with me....Bryan leaves for another trip next Thursday and work is crazy busy. Talk to you hopefully tomorrow!